Snowboard regular vs goofy: which one are you?

You’ve probably heard of regular and goofy snowboarding, but do you know the difference between them? Or better yet, which one are you? In this guide, we will explore the difference between snowboard regular vs goofy and how to figure out the one you are. In addition, we will give you some tips on how to learn to snowboard both ways.

Let’s start!

Snowboard regular vs goofy

A regular stance is when the left foot is forward, while a goofy is when the right foot is forward.

Regular stance: left foot forward, right foot back.

Goofy stance: right foot forward, left foot back.

Snowboard regular vs goofy

Pro tips: If you rent your snowboard you will be asked if you are goofy or regular. If they don’t ask you, tell the rental yourself, so that he will adjust your bindings angle for you.

Or better yet, if you have a suitable screwdriver with you, or the ski facility has free tools for use, do it yourself. I recommend reading our guide to learning how to mount snowboard bindings correctly.

How to know if you are goofy or regular?

There are many ways to determine whether you are better suited to a goofy or regular stance, here are the best ones:

Snowboard regular vs goofy

#1 Slide forward Test (best way)

To try this test, find a slippery surface and push yourself forward to try to slide. If you lead with your left foot you are regular, while if you lead with your right foot you are goofy.

snowboard goofy or regular slide test to understand the forward foot

#2 Push Test

The push test is the most common way to determine your snowboard stance. Stand straight and have someone push you from behind (not too hard, you just have to lean forward enough to move one foot).

The foot you step forward to regain balance is likely your leading foot. If it’s your left foot, you have a regular stance. If it’s your right foot, you have a goofy stance.

snowboard goofy or regular push test

#3 Skateboarding and Surfing Test

If you’re a skater or a surfer, your preferred stance on the board can help determine your snowboard stance.

If you ride a skateboard/surf with your left foot forward, you are more likely to have a regular stance in snowboarding. If you ride with your right foot forward, you will probably have a goofy stance in snowboarding.

#4 Staircase Test

The staircase test involves climbing a staircase and identifying which foot starts the climb and touches the first step. This foot is likely to be the one that should be behind.

Pro tip: Don’t think about what you are doing as you climb the staircase. Ask someone to tell you what foot you used first.

snowboard goofy or regular test

#5 Step Test

To try this test, rise on the first step of a staircase (from the bottom) and keep your feet slightly off the edge. After that, unbalance yourself slightly forward.

The foot you step forward to avoid falling is likely your leading foot. If it’s your left foot, you have a regular stance, while If it’s your right foot, you have a goofy stance.

snowboard goofy or regular test to understand the forward foot

#6 Natural Instinct

If the other tests aren’t conclusive, go with your instinct. Stand or imagine yourself on a board and see which foot feels more comfortable in the front.

Whichever foot comes naturally to you is likely your leading foot and will determine your stance.

goofy snowboarding or regular natural instinct

Pro tips: If you are not sure try both stances when starting and see which feels more natural and comfortable. Remember, there’s no right or wrong answer – it’s all about what works for you!

How to switch your stance

Switching the stance means being able to ride a snowboard in both goofy and regular.

That can be a hard task, especially for beginners. However, it’s a skill worth mastering as it allows you to ride switch, which comes in handy when riding through tight terrain, hitting jumps, or performing tricks.

snowboard switch riding

Here are some tips that will help you smoothly transition your stance:

  • Before you start: Be confident while riding in your normal position and only then try to change the stance.
  • Force yourself to ride switch: One of the biggest challenges of switch riding is that you already know how to snowboard in your normal stance. This leads you to practice little or get bored easily when you see that you are not good in switch. So, don’t give up!
  • Start on a gentle slope: Before switching stance while moving, make sure you are comfortable snowboarding on a gentle slope in the opposite position.

Even learning to snowboard by changing to both positions, you will still be more comfortable in your natural stance.

Remember, it may take a while before you feel fully comfortable switching your stance. Don’t get discouraged if you struggle at first. With time and practice, you will improve and become a more versatile snowboarder.

What to do next…

Here are other useful resources you should read to become a better snowboarder:

Now that you know the difference between goofy vs regular and how to figure out which one you are, it’s time to get out on the slopes!

As soon as you are familiar with your natural stance, you can come back to practice the tips on how to learn to snowboard by changing your stance.

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests, please feel free to contact us here in the comments or at


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