Do You Need Goggles To Snowboard? 3 Essential Things

Everyone has seen a professional snowboarder (and not only) wearing goggles, and a common question is: do you need goggles to snowboard? So, in this guide, we will explore all the reasons why you should wear snowboard/ski goggles.

Having snowboard goggles is important. They protect your eyes from the sun, wind, and anything that may come into contact with your eyes during riding. What sets them apart from simple sunglasses is that they cover a wide field of view, and at the same time, there is no risk of them falling off.

Do you need snow goggles to snowboard? 

Yes, using snowboard goggles is important for a safer ride. Before delving into the reasons why you should wear them, I want to underline a fundamental concept. Goggles are not strictly indispensable; it is still possible to snowboard without them. However, they offer extremely important eye protection.

-Protection from UV Rays

The main reason why you should wear snowboard goggles is that they protect your eyes from the sun. Snow and ice reflect UV rays a lot, which can damage your eyesight.

Personal Experience: One day, I snowboarded for several hours at about 3000m altitude without goggles (I had forgotten them at home 🙁 ). Besides not being able to see well due to the intense sun, the next day, my eyes were very swollen due to sun exposure!

Prevent forgetfulness during snowboarding days: download our interactive checklist to have everything at your fingertips.

Do You Need Snow Goggles To Snowboard

-Protection from External “Objects”

Another reason why it’s worth buying snowboard goggles is because they protect your eyes from anything that could come into contact.

Snowboarding during a snowfall is difficult without goggles; the snow will continue to get in your eyes and not let you see. In addition, if you like to snowboard in the powder, you will need them.

Sometimes snow will deposit on the lens, but it will be easy to remove it. Without goggles, it is very annoying.

I recommend you read our guide to find out how to clean snowboard goggles when riding.

-Wide Field of View and grip

Snowboard/ski goggles, unlike simple sunglasses, have a large lens, which gives you a field of view, almost like without goggles (it depends on the type of goggles) but with lens protection.

In addition, unlike regular glasses, snowboard goggles are secured with a wide elastic band that wraps around the helmet. This way, it is impossible to lose or have them move around while riding.

snowboard goggles vs sunglasses

Useful Tips and Recommendations

Snowboard goggles are not all the same!

As few or only aesthetic as they may seem, snowboard goggles have many options, each suitable for different weather conditions. For example:

  • Lens Color (and VLT): The color of the lens depends on how much light can pass through it.
  • Anti-Fog Coating: with lenses that have this feature, there is a low risk of fogging.
  • Prescription Goggles (OTG): for those with vision problems.
  • Polarized Lenses: to reduce reflected sunlight.
  • Lens Shape: the shape of the lens varies the field of view.
  • Etc.

As you have realized, they have several types and technologies. That’s why I recommend you read our guide on how to choose snowboard goggles.

Snowboard Goggles for Those with Vision Problems, What to Do?

If you have vision problems and need glasses to see better, the best option is to buy Over the Glasses (OTG) snowboard goggles. This type of goggles allows you to wear snowboard goggles over your prescription glasses!

That allows for a completely different experience for those who have to wear glasses daily compared to putting regular snowboard goggles over prescription ones.

OTG snowboard goggles
Credits: sportrx

In conclusion, as you have understood, wearing snowboard goggles is very important, especially to safeguard your vision. So, the answer to the question: Do you need goggles to snowboard? Is yes.

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